

Jun 06, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

PART 2 * * * EVY: EYE CONTACT: “When I make eye contact with you, I show you I’m confident in myself, I deserve to make eye contact with you, that I am relevant and I don’t need to look away or hide because I deserve to be here having a conversation with you - I matter. I also CONVEY AUTHORITY AND CONFIDENCE. You don’t have to say anything to people, YOU SHOW THEM. I can show them warmth, I can connect with you, and engage with you, and look at you. Eye contact also sends the message to you that YOU MATTER TO ME, and that I’m Here, and that I’m Present With You, that I’m Listening To You, that I See You, and that I Want To Understand You. Eye contact is wonderful because it makes you feel relevant, and it makes me relevant also. CHANGE: The change you want in your life, IT’S ALL THE LITTLE THINGS YOU DO THAT HELP YOU GET THERE. There’s No Quick Thing. There’s No Magic Thing. That’s Why IT TOOK ME TIME, There’s No Secret. THINK OF IT LIKE COMPOUNDED INTEREST, right. I do this, and then I add this layer, and then this layer, and this layer, and then this. They’re sheets of paper. You put one sheet, it’s light, then two sheets, it’s light. Then you have 1,000 sheets. Now you’ve got weight. THAT’S HOW WE ARE, WE’RE LAYERS, and we have to add to these layers. There’s no quick thing. YOU KNOW WHEN YOU’RE GONNA GET THERE? - WHEN YOU’RE SOVEREIGN. When you feel like, ‘I don’t need anybody.’ It’s wonderful to have human beings around you, and I think connection is wonderful, but IF YOUR GOAL IS I NEED SOMEONE TO COMPLETE ME, YOU’RE DONE. When I become sovereign. WHEN I’M LIKE ‘I’M GOOD ENOUGH. I’M GOOD AS I AM,' I BECOME A MAGNET. People are like, ‘I want that. I want to be around that'… I BELIEVE IN ME, and it took time to believe in me. HOW DID MY BEHAVIOUR CHANGE?: I STOPPED CHASING THINGS AND PEOPLE. I stopped looking for approval, trying to people please, and I TRUSTED MYSELF. I also stopped taking inventory from everybody, asking everybody their opinion. I dealt with a lot of rejection, a lot of people not agreeing with me, gossip growing up. I took a lot of heavy hits, and those things made me resilient. Those things taught me to Stay My Course. TAKING CARE OF OUR BODIES: We take better care of our cars than we do our bodies, then some of us wonder why we are depressed. YOUR BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE. This Is Your Home, it houses your mind, it houses your soul, and we treat it like garbage, and we give it garbage. The physical element of our body is such an important thing, and we treat them as two separate entities. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT HOUSES YOUR SOUL AND YOUR MIND. PARALINGUISTICS: LOOK AT PEOPLE WHEN YOU SPEAK. When you do speak, DO YOU PROJECT YOUR VOICE? So, it’s called paralinguistics. Everyone is so focused on what they say, THEY DON’T THINK ABOUT THE TONE AND THE PITCH OF THE VOICE. How are you delivering this? DON’T TALK JUST TO TALK. Do you have something beneficial to say? - if not, don't say anything."