The other night, it was like aroung 3:30am. I was up and off the next day. The weather was very nice and the moon was out. I went out on to my finced patio which faces the parking lot of the apartment complex I live in. I was leaning over the fence .. and the fence was about as tall as I am. Suddenly this man comes from around the corner walking by going to someone's apartment. He looks at me walking by and said "what's up". I told him nothing much, just very thirsty. So he stopped and started to laugh a little and said "well go get a drink of water". I told him I wan not thirsty for that. he said "what are you thirsty for", and I said "A big DICK in my mouth". He came up close to my fence and said .."really". I told him to come over to the door and I will show him how thirsty I was. He did come up and I opened it and just got on my knees and opened his pants, pulled out his cock and started to SUCK IT. After he came in my mouth then he comes in all the way to my bedroom and we did a lot more.