

Jul 16, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

CAPTAIN PEANUT: Wanted to share something I saw on Facebook that I thought would be fun. Don’t just list four items that you would take though, TELL WHY you would choose those over something else, and how you would use those items to KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE. YOU ARE STRANDED ON A DESERTED ISLAND, YOU CAN CHOOSE FOUR OF THE FOLLOWING: 1) TARP 2) SUNSCREEN 3) TOILET PAPER 4) POT 5) IPOD 6) HIKING BOOTS 7) HAND SAW 8) FLARE GUN 9) INFLATABLE RAFT 10) FLASHLIGHT 11) INSECT REPELLENT 12) HAMMOCK 13) COMPASS 14) MIRROR 15) VITAMINS 16) WATER PURIFIER 17) FISHING ROD 18) ROPE 19) HUNTING RIFLE 20) FIRST AID KIT 21) TENT 22) KNIFE 23) MATCHES 24) VOLLEYBALL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SMART ANSWER SELECTION FROM ROLAND: I would choose a TENT, MATCHES, POT, and an AX. WHY?: TENT – Shelter is key, and you will be spending energy to build something. Get inside your waterproof tent and be much more comfortable. Use the rainfly to catch rain runoff into your pot. MATCHES – You’ll die fast without heat. Will also produce light, rescue signaling, and can be used to make tools. POT – More durable and versatile than the water purifier. Can boil water, collect water, and cook in. AX – Can be used as a way to chop firewood, build additional shelter, use as a sledge to pound in stakes, and sharpen it well to process animals.