

Jul 03, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

PART 2 * * * SHADEDPHOENIX: “Small, A and B are best.” * * * AWOS76: “If I am boning a chic with big boobs, I prefer small ones - PERKIES..... If I am boning a chic with small perkies, I prefer BIG FUN BAGS.” * * * SXHARRASMENTPANDA: “I've heard guys say that it doesn't matter what size the boobs are, as long as they get to interact with them, then they are fine. So true. I THINK Cs ARE THE OPTIMAL SIZE.” * * * ANONYMOUS: “Personally, it doesn't matter to me. This girl I like doesn't have a big chest, and I don't even care.” * * * THE BERG: “My ex was a 34D. It was nice. A 34C would have been nicer I think. She had a very hourglass figure.” * * * SPLINTERSMASTER: “IT’S ALL ABOUT HIPS AND ASS.” * * * SPERMRACEWINNER: “Small breasts are my preference. I don't really like huge boobs. I don't know, that's just me.” * * * LEMONWIZARD: “Shape is more important than size. Small and perky - big and droopy.” * * * MILPHEY: “Breasts are great in all shapes and sizes. Yay for boobs!” * * * LETTHEREBEROCK: “One of my friends is dating a girl with a very slender figure, sporting a pair of DDs. He says he thinks a C cup would fit her frame better. I'm having a hard time sympathizing with him.” * * * ANONYMOUS: “Do not care for boobs, I like the ass.” * * * MANICXPRESSIVE: “A - B is the best (for me), and sometimes a C if they're perky and well-proportioned. They're just so much nicer to look at than large saggy boobs. I once dated a girl with EEE's, and, honestly, I didn't like them one bit. Neither did she apparently, because she just got a reduction to a C and looks amazing.” * * * COOLFUCKINGNAME: “I feel uniquely qualified to answer this question (ok not uniquely, just qualified. Maybe). So, big breasts, like D, look great inside clothing that conceals, like dresses or shirts. However, small breasts, like A, look great when exposed (like bikini or naked). I’ve come to settle on B or C as a happy compromise preference, which is perfect as that is the USA average (though it’s growing with the USA obesity epidemic). Having said all that, and after many girlfriends of many sizes, I say love what comes on the girl you like. BOOBS ARE EASY TO LOVE… A GREAT GIRL, THAT’S HARDER TO FIND.” * * * JHUDSUI: “Small and pert beats large and droopy.” * * * MACLOVINBURGERS: “I would prefer SMALL ONES FOR SEXY TIMES, but BALLOONS ARE FUN TO PLAY WITH.” * * * LIVINGDAYLIGHT: “I generally like big ones, but it's really not that important. Perkiness is far more important, along with tons of other non-boob things.” * * * ANONYMOUS: “I LIKE BREASTS THAT FIT THE GIRL, but preferably on the larger side vs the small. Nothing ridiculous, just a nice C or D. That being said, it wouldn't be a deal-breaker to date a girl without much up top, and it wouldn't be disappointing to me. I would rather her be healthy and natural than risk surgery to enhance them.” * * * WUNDERSADER: “IT’S MORE SHAPE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. No matter the size, perky is key.” * * * RETARDCAVEMAN: “I prefer smaller, but bigger is fine too. ALL DEPENDS ON THE PERKINESS OF SAID BOOBS AND THE NIPPLE RATIOS." * * * MAGNUS424: “I definitely prefer small – IF THEY GET TOO BIG, THEY JUST LOOK OUT OF WHACK.” * * * LAB2953: "Big tits always!" * * * REDDIT.COM