
'FARRAH' By Michaela - 1

Jun 28, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

It had been some time ago. But this is a story that has been begging to be told for awhile. As they say, nothing happens before its time. And for the purpose of anonymity for all concerned, lets just call Her ‘Farrah.’ In retrospect, I didn’t have a chance – it was our destiny - and certainly no choice of my own. It all started with that one moment in time. It was a breezy, pleasant, warm summer’s day, and I had been sauntering along the beach, as I am oft known to do. The sound of melodic drumming beckoned me, and curious, as always, I made my way over to check out its source. Sexy, long-haired, bearded, shirtless, hipster male drummers sat encircled beating rhythmically in tandem, and it was then that I first glanced Her – in the centre and midst of them. She was voluptuous, dressed in multi rainbow-colored, patterned bohemian/ hippie garments that appeared to be haphazardly thrown together, and I admired Her for having the audacity to purposely defy the laws of fashion and decorum. Her long wheat-blonde hair was wavy, and She danced barefoot and swayed wildly and non-chalantly as if in a trance. Her hips were scrumptiously wide and ample, and I took note of the enticing smooth blonde hairs on Her calves that peaked out from Her mid length patchwork flowing Indian skirt. Her clear face was slightly tanned, without of a stitch of makeup - light speckles of sweat trickled down her chest, and Her hard nipples were erect and straining to escape the clutches of Her rayon tank top. I don’t know what came over me, but I found myself dancing beside her in the centre of the circle, as if intoxicated. It was then that She gazed up at me and Her intense, glassy, dazed aquamarine eyes were deep and mysterious, reminding me of the marbles I used to play with as a child. A myriad of gold, pastel pink and vivid purple-hued Indian bangles graced Her wrists, and jingled as she moved seductively and hypnotically, and turquoise abalone shells and rose quartz necklaces strung on leather chains trailed and provocatively led the way down her cleavage to her plump, ripe, perky tits. “That’s right, just improvise, set yourself free” She said to me as She glanced intently and lustfully at my big tits. Time seemed to come to a standstill. My nipples felt like they were on fire as they throbbed and pulsated in my flimsy cotton, white laced-up blouse. And it was in that surreal moment, as butterflies took up residence in my stomach, and Her essence overtook me, that I first fell helplessly hopelessly in love with Her - or was it lust/desire? I am not sure if it was Her full, sensual, sun-kissed, upturned lips that entranced me, which were a very inviting light coral pink, and somehow I wondered if that was also the color of her clit. She had such a presence about her, and I was certain that She was a Goddess inhabiting the Earth. She was a natural beauty, and there was something so raw and organic about Her, devoid of perfumes, dyes and refinement. She was a mysterious flower child with a Sun in Virgo and a Venus in Scorpio, with a bountiful supply of sexual energy to kill, that was overwhelmingly palpable. At first glance, it seemed as if She was misplaced, and that her rightful place should have somehow been a forest nymph amongst the wind and trees. "Hi, I’m ‘Farrah,’ would you like to come over to my apartment for a cool drink?” She asked. At this point, I would have followed Her to the end of the rainbow, and who was I to resist such charms? * * * TO BE CONTD… SEE PART 2