

Jun 13, 2024

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PART 2 * * * BASIC GUIDE ON CAREGIVER/ LITTLE DYNAMIC BY BABY LINH * * * LITTLES: In simple words, a Little is someone who adopts the traits and personalities of a young child. They experience a youthful head space, also known as Little Space. As I mentioned before, not all Littles engage in power exchange. I refrain from saying Littles are also submissives because the Little role can be very diverse. Littles enjoy childish activities, such as dressing in a onesie, colouring, drinking from sippy cups, playing with stuffed animals, sucking on a paci (pacifier), even wearing diapers etc. However, you don't need to do any of those things if you don't feel comfortable. Being a Little is not about the aesthetic (although it can be truly fun and cute). It's about enjoying your Little Space however you want. LITTLE AGE: It is an age that someone's Little persona resonates with, anywhere from 2 to 8. In other words, it's their age in Little Space. Defining your Little Age is not a must. It can get tricky, especially when someone is just starting to explore. I do not have a Little Age because my Little self moves around Little and Middle spaces. And I want to allow that freedom. However, someone may find that knowing their Little age helps shape their Little space better. LITTLE SPACE: Little Space can be very POSITIVE AND LIBERATING. Personally, my Little Space creates an opportunity to HEAL AND NURTURE MY INNER CHILD. Being a gifted child, I felt the pressure to be the "best" kid or student to earn recognition from my parents and other adults. And I would be guilty and ashamed when I failed to do so. I did not get to go through my childhood carefree and naïve as any kid should. It has resulted in unresolved issues that have followed me till my adult years. When I discovered Little Space, I finally felt like I could get in touch with that version of me from childhood. My DDLG (Daddy Dom/ Little Girl) dynamic has been very rewarding for my Daddy Dom partner and myself. CONSENT IS KEY: Never assume that you have someone's consent without them making it clear. Make it abundantly clear that your partner can say “No.” Consent conversations should be ongoing. WHAT THE CAREGIVER DOES?: The caring acts vary from preparing the Little’s food, giving them baths, brushing their hair, to taking care of their other needs. A Caregiver takes on the responsibilities of caring for and helping their Little/ Middle thrive. It requires time, focus, energy, and patience. Sometimes, the Caregiver will feel tired and burnout. And that's okay if they need to slow down or take a break. You can't pour from an empty cup. So, it's crucial to take care of yourself, first and foremost, as a Caregiver. MIDDLES: A Middle identifies with an older age bracket than the Little. Middle age is usually preteen (11, 12) or teen (16, 17). Some people find themselves switching from Little to Middle from time to time, and vice versa. Middles enjoy teenage activities such as collecting posters, watching teen dramas, and anime, trying out makeup, hairstyles, DIYs (Do It Yourselves), temporary tattoos, teen aesthetics, etc. - anything that reminds them of their teenage years. SWITCHES: They identify with both the Caregiver and Little/ Middle. They can take on different roles in multiple dynamics. or switching from Caregiver to Little/ Middle, and vice versa, in a dynamic with one partner, with pre-negotiation. STIGMAS AROUND CGL DYNAMIC: Sadly, the CGL Community, full of beautiful souls, is often misunderstood. To the vanilla world and even some parts within the Kink Community, the CGL dynamic is still shamed. The most common misconception is that CGL encourages pedophilia. Or even worst, some people think it is pedophilia and sexualizing children. However, this is NOT true. The Kink CGL community consists of people who are 18+ years. And THERE ARE NO CHILDREN INVOLVED. AFTERCARE: Aftercare is the act of partners taking care of each other and providing support after an emotional and physical intense event, such as having sex.