

Jun 08, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

“No matter what’s going on, if you back up far enough, it’s just another fine day in this Universe... When I’m there making the records, most of the writing happens in my sleep. I'm just an antenna, so I’m being given whatever’s transmitted to me. It tends to happen between like 3 and 5 am. Whatever vortex it is, it opens in those hours, and I’ll just hear it, and I hear it like a record playing in my head, so it already exists... It makes it so much easier and so much more magical because it’s not limited by a thought process, my thought process.” ~ Lenny Kravitz, American Singer, Songwriter, Multi-instrumentalist, Record Producer, Actor, Author * * * “Your life drenched in love is the greatest act of rebellion.” * * * “In order to know virtue, we must acquaint ourselves with vice. Only then can we know the true measure of a man.” ~ Marquis de Sade, Infamous French Writer, Political Activist, Nobleman * * * “Good love looks boring but feels great.” ~ Paul Brunson, Relationship Expert, Entrepreneur, TV Host * * * “The person who becomes a master of self becomes a master of their environment.” ~ Marcus Garvey, Jamaican-born British Political Activist, Orator * * * “I honestly believe that when a woman is involved with her partner, or just a person, if you’re really into that person, ‘No’ should not be a part of your sex life. It just shouldn’t be... Never trust a bitch that leads with her asshole and her wallet first..” ~ Jaguar Wright-Johnson, Singer, Social Media Sensation * * * “Don’t push the river, flow with it. Balancing your sense of worth, allows for more abundance.” * * * “Sex is the game where everyone wins a little prize and no one goes home a loser. Love is the game that’s really hard to win, but if you do and get to take home that life-sized tyrannosaurus, it feels a lot better than taking home that shitty little plastic key chain.” ~ ‘Leslie,’ ‘After Sex’ movie * * * “Hate and love are on the same spectrum. They love us so much that they start to hate us.” ~ Love Jones, Singer, Actress, Social Media Sensation * * * “She fell in love with him deeply; he was both a savage and a gentleman. The balance made her feel both safe, and alive.” ~ S. McNutt * * * “Everything in life is an act. Everything. It’s the performance that counts.” ~ John C. Holmes, Porn King * * * “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." ~ Maya Angelou, American Poet, Author, Civil Rights Activist * * * "You can fail in life doing the things you hate, so you might as well take a chance doing what you love." ~ Jim Carrey, Comedian, Actor * * * “Balance is key.” * * * “Time yields answers to many questions.” * * * "This too shall pass." * * * “Dance like nobody’s watching.” * * * “Sex has nothing to do with intimacy. They can be two separate things.” * * * “That which we have and enjoy constitutes abundance. I Am grateful for the abundance that nature and the Universe provides in my life. GRATITUDE PAVES THE WAY FOR ABUNDANCE."