

Jun 02, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

CONTD. FROM PART 1 *** ANONYMOUS: “Humility, a good sense of humor, TATT00S, and good hygiene.” UNKNOWN: “His teeth.” TICTACBERGERAC: “Having shared interests, GOOD LISTENING SKILLS, and respect for other people’s boundaries. A wonderful smile and a quick wit help too.” CALLMERACHLIE: “True smiles. Then you know they are A REAL ONE.” THEVIRGINQUEENFORLEO: “BEARDS AND A LITTLE AGGRESSIVE, lol, but what do I know I’m 17, so I know nothing obviously.” NOTHIDDENPANTS: “Effort and making time to spend/ talk /see you.” OSTEOMISS: “GENUINE KINDNESS. Not just to me but to everyone, it's so attractive.” VIOLINSAREATTACKIN: ”ARE CLEAN AND TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES - shaving, skin care, good smell, etc. Be a good person, have good hygiene, and FOCUS ON YOUR GOALS AND OWN SELF-DEVELOPMENT.” THE BITCH IS BACK: “INTELLIGENCE AND A SENSE OF HUMOR. I've been with guys who weren't likely too attractive to others, but their whip-smart and goofy personalities made them completely irresistible to me.” FRAGGLERAWKS: “HAVE YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. I mean, have a fulfilling life of your own, complete with job, hobbies and interests. Clean living space, not with your parents, BE CAPABLE OF CONVERSATION. Easygoing and realistic outlook on life. GOALS AND ASPIRATIONS are nice. BE IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER NERDY CHILD, but also be mature enough to know when it’s appropriate. Respect me, but also SMACK MY ASS WHEN I’M IN THE KITCHEN.” DEMIN MONDE: “A BIG HEART that cares about people and things. BEING BOTH ‘INTERESTING’ AND ‘INTERESTED,’ able to talk about those passions without being overbearing or alienating, while caring enough to listen to what someone else is passionate about. Personally, I am attracted to people who ACT RATHER THAN TALK. If they complain or critique things but do nothing, that is a huge turn-off for me. That is why I tell single folks to volunteer.” IAMIREILLE: “A POSITIVE APPROACH TO LIFE is very attractive.” ANONYMOUS: “RESPONSIBILITY AND COMPETENCE. There is nothing more attractive than a man who handles his personal business like a champ.” LUCK008: “A nice haircut, speaking properly, clothes that fit properly, good posture. LOOKS GET YOU IN THE DOOR, PERSONALITY KEEPS YOU THERE.” IRISTHETRANNY: “Mental and emotional maturity, A PERSONAL SENSE OF STYLE, nice forearms, fitting clothes, dressing well, an artist." *** REDDIT.COM