

Jun 02, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

POTATO BALLADS: “IT’S THE ONE WHO ASKS QUESTIONS BACK AND SHOWS CURIOSITY ABOUT MY LIFE. Also, flirting is not about being witty or impressing, but to show your interest. Nobody remembers that clever comment, but they will remember how you showed your interest.” MAJABARATA: “He must BE TALENTED to be attractive. I can’t feel attracted to a man I don’t admire.” CHILLIKITTEN: “CONFIDENCE, but still being a bit hesitant, and has signs of being shy.” RED N WOLF: “A man who knows how to take care of himself.” Excellent Credit - KNOWS HOW TO EAT PUSSY. CORRECTIONERIST: “MAGNETISM.” ONLY JOKING: "People won't remember what you said to them, they will only remember THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM FEEL." ELSKOV: “Seeing him do something that’s 'His Thing.' Something that he’s really good at, and became good at because he just loves doing it. Basically, BEING IN FLOW STATE. This is why I have a weakness for and a tendency to keep dating/ hooking up with musicians. No matter what instrument they played they seemed to universally almost go into a trance, and that shit's fucking hot because they don't even have to pay attention to what they're doing because they have the technical knowledge down to muscle memory and can just bask in the rest of the experience.” RUFFLEVERDE: “EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - knowing when to say things and how to phrase them in a way that is appropriate in that situation, and being A GOOD LISTENER. Empathy, compassion and kindness. Not being too proud to say sorry and being willing to accept that he can be wrong sometimes. TAKING THE INITIATIVE for things, like helping out without asking. Being responsible and showing that he really wants to keep to his word. MATURITY AND STABILITY - in how he handles difficult situations and responds to things; not running away from problems, but finding ways to solve them. THOUGHTFULNESS - showing in little ways that he cares without expecting anything in return. Being respectful of people and not making lewd/ derogatory comments about people. Confidence without being arrogant and self-obsessed.” MINA NIDARIA: “Being confident enough to express your own emotions is great.” COMMANDRIX: “He has a lot of the same life goals as me, doesn't care if we don't have kids, has interests in common with me that we can spend time doing together, but also doesn't mind that I'll sometimes need some space to breathe.” PUFFERPOISSON: “Someone that RESPECTS WOMEN. SENSE OF HUMOUR.” PAXWI: “Curly hair and tall for me. I am the kind of person who could fall in love with every person if he is a good person, it’s not hard for me.” DISCORD CHAT: “What makes a man the most attractive (or any person really) is the ABILITY TO BE ON THEIR OWN. To be able to cook, clean, and just in general take care of themselves.” SVENSHALLNOTPASS: “Doesn’t chase after you. Gosh, there’s this guy who keeps following me everywhere and asked me out - like ‘No.’ If you’re gonna act like a creepy stalker, I’m not gonna say ‘Yes.'" * ** TO BE CONTD... SEE PART 2 *** REDDIT.COM