

May 26, 2024

888 69 KELLY  ext 7003

“A blindfold is not a barrier, it is a gateway to another set of senses.” *** "Personally, I think that with a little bit of encouragement everybody's on the wild side." / Melvin Van Peebles, Filmmaker, Actor, Writer, Composer *** SEXY: “Sexy isn’t about boobs or butts. It’s about the way you walk, the way you talk, and the way you think.” / ilovemylsi.com *** "Sexy does not come from the shape of a body, but the fire in a soul.” / J. Iron Word *** “Sometimes we learn from experiencing, and for what we have experienced, there are no words.” *** “The frequency of Allowance and Surrender invites us to be open to whatever comes our way without judgement, without opinion, without fear, and without resistance. When we allow and surrender, the Universe becomes our partner in the wondrous dance of existence and expansion." *** “When you are through changing, you’re through.” / Martha Stewart *** “You deserve the love you keep trying to give someone else.” *** "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." / Socrates *** "Sometimes it is not love that breaks your heart. It is disappointment." / R.M. Drake - The Minds Journal *** “Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.” / Melvin *** “When the student is ready the teacher will appear, and the teacher often learns from the student.” *** “Sometimes you hear more in what a person doesn’t say than what they do.” / Jaguar Wright-Johnson, Singer, Social Media Sensation *** “Sometimes inside all of us is the power to change the world.” *** “If everyone showed up as their authentic self on their path, we’d have a very different world.” / Carime Lane, Toronto-based Writer/ Lawyer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~