

Apr 25, 2024

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“She was the kind of girl who loved to stretch out under the sheets, eating chocolate, reading books and fucking on rainy afternoons.” *** “I spend most nights at home falling in love with the idea of you.” *** “So fierce is the passion that burns within my heart, a raging forest fire, unstoppable and consuming.” *** “I write because you exist.” *** “Love and loss share the same unmade bed.” *** “Good night - may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you'll cry when you awake.” *** “I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place.” *** “Lost is a lovely place to find yourself.” *** “I’m not a complicated girl, she laughed, I just want to run away with you, rob a bank, fall in love and eat ice creams in Paris.” *** “The saddest truth is realising you have fallen madly in love with what can never be.” *** “I could taste the salt on her lips, each kiss like a summer wave breaking on an empty beach.” *** “I am hypnotized sleepwalking to the rhythm of your words, never wishing to wake.” *** “So fierce is the passion that burns within my heart, a raging forest fire, unstoppable and consuming.” *** “She loved to spend rainy afternoons lost in thought, her hand daydreaming beneath the fabric of her floral panties.” *** “Magic tumbled from her pretty lips and when she spoke the language of the universe – the stars sighed in unison.” *** “Falling in love is not rational. It's madness. A beautiful, wonderful moment of magnificent insanity.” *** “There is no perfect ending to a relationship. No magic formula. Just a silent scream as they rip your fucking heart out.” *** “I have cried an ocean for you but still your ship refuses to sail.” *** “Unbutton, unzip, unclip, untie, undo, undress. 'Understood,' she replied.” *** “I live in a peculiar world," she said, "in a place where reality ends and a fiction begins. Maybe that's why I love you.” *** “Falling so madly in love with you is a tragedy. Nothing in my world will ever seem so beautiful again.” *** “A mind possessed by unmade books, unwritten lines on empty hooks.” *** “I never understood desire until I felt your hands around my throat.” *** “I suddenly realized it’s no coincidence the two middle letters of life are if. For every action we make, there is a reaction. The outcome often beyond our control, fragile and fraught with ruinous consequences. Like a soap bubble made real by a gentle breath only to be taken by it.” *** “We fell asleep as lovers do, listening to the raindrops pitter-patter on the old tin roof, hands entwined and souls secretly smiling.” *** “I'm a strange girl, hopelessly lost and terribly confused. What's worse, I think I may have fallen madly in love with you.” *** “My heart has become a broken compass. Every time I try to leave you, I always find myself running back into your arms.” *** “She was a curious girl, a wanderer, who spent her summers chasing fluttering pieces of prose and eating strawberries.” *** “Pull my hair and tell me that you love me.” *** “I believe in you." "Words that water flowers.” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** (Michael Faudet is the author of the international bestsellers Dirty Pretty Things, Bitter Sweet Love, Smoke and Mirrors, Winter of Summers, Cult of Two, and Playing with Matches. His books have been nominated in the Goodreads Choice Awards for Best Poetry. His whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world. He paints vivid pictures with intricate words and explores the compelling themes of love, loss, relationships, and sex, all beautifully captured in poetry, prose, quotes, and little short stories.) *** GOODREADS.COM