The Truth About Your Sexual Fantasies is WE ALL HAVE THEM! Of course deep hidden sexual fantasies won't be a topic of discussion when chatting with friends, family, or even your significant other. But maybe they should they be? Everyone has deep, dark fantasies. Most of the time, they stay hidden within us, and are not really shared or talked about. We think of those erotic and illicit private fantasies, often and on regular basis. Titillating Taboo~Sexual fantasies are very private and are something we rarely discuss, even among good friends or even our partners. All of our deepest sexual thoughts are may often seem too weird, perverse, or just plain wrong to be shared with anyone we know. Fantasizing might indicate there is something wrong with our relationships, or worse, ourselves. HOWEVER, research indicates that having sexual fantasies is an absolutely normal, if not necessary, part of us being an active, functional sexual being.So many people sometimes feel shame or guilt about the perverse nature of their sexual fantasies, even though what we think of as “perverse” may actually be quite common! Surprised? Don't be!Those forbidden taboo fantasies allow us to think about doing something we would never actually do, or about things we’ve done before and would like to do again;Furthermore, fantasy may help our sex lives by increasing desire and arousal; those who fantasize frequently also tend to have more sex. And cerebral foreplay has certainly helped millions (billions? trillions?) of masturbations end in success, which is exactly what they are meant to do.Bring us welcome pleasure and relief we ALL crave and need. THIS IS why I ABSOLUTELY adore my chance to be HERE for YOU and YOUR fantasies, to give YOU the FULL chance of exploring without shame, guilt, fear, or boundaries .